Saturday, January 25, 2020

Using GDP as a Measure of Living Standard

Using GDP as a Measure of Living Standard Introduction Real GDP is measure to assess changes in economic welfare over time, to make international comparison of GDP, and for business cycle assessment and forecasting. (Parkin et al 2000). The gross national product (now measured as GDP) was introduced during World War II as a measure of wartime production capacity. Now it is commonly used worldwide as indicator of economic progress ( cited on 1st June 2008). GDP is not accounting Household production, Quality improvement, the underground economy, Health and safety Expectancy, Leisure time, The Environment Quality, Equal wealth Distribution, Political freedom and social justice. GDP can be good indicator of measure of economy living but it is not accurate measure of living standard. â€Å" Improving livings standards is about poor families gaining access to what is available at the time to make comfortable, healthy and rewarding .in the end, economic statistics only measure what they measure, we may not bear much relation to how well off we are.† (The Independent Dec 2002) Source: US department of state ( cited on 22nd May 2008) Poverty Rising Real GDP is not affecting on the reduction of poverty and change in living standard. USA is the wealthiest country in the world having high real GDP, but more than 35 million people out of 294 million of population faced hunger in 2006 and 390000 in 2005 According to the US Department of agriculture’s household food security report, that 10.4% of all U.S adults and 17.2 percent of all children faced the food insecurity in 2006. ( cited on 22nd May 2008) According to survey in 2005, India had population of approx. 1094.6 Millions and Pakistan had population of approx. 155.8 Million. ( cited 13th May 2008). Real GDP per capita from 2000 2006 Years Data Source: (United Nation, USA 2007 ‘Economic and Social survey of Asia and the pacific 2007’) The real GDP gap between India and Pakistan shows that average Indian people are better being then average Pakistani People. But poverty ratio shows that living standard of India is lower than Pakistan. By comparing India’s population below $1 and poverty line per day with Pakistan shows that living standard of India is not very high than Pakistan because people ratio living below $1 is high that mean they are not using full resources of a happy life. So GDP is not representing the living standard of people and also not counting the poverty ratio. COUNTRY Population Below National Poverty line Per day (%) 1990-2004 Population Below $1 Per day (%) 1990-2005 GDP Per Capita (PPP US $) (2005) CHINA INDIA PAKISTAN SIERRA LEONE NIGERIA ZAMBIA 4.6 28.6 32.6 70.2 34.1 68 9.9 34.3 17 57 70.8 63.8 6757 3452 2370 806 1128 1023 About 10 sub Saharan economies are suffering from malnutrition all the time. (The Observer 18th May 2008) Exchange Rate Inflation It is difficult to compare living standard because exchange rate of country do not show the domestic purchasing power of a currency e.g. any product cost in USA will be 10$ but in China may be 5$. So comparison should consider these. Purchasing power party (PPP) is exchange rates between currencies are in equilibrium and when two countries purchasing power same. Gross domestic products are accounted on standard way based on trade exchange, value of international (dollar) that is purchasing power parity. If the exchange rates of two countries same then the price level will be fixed for both countries products and services. If the domestic price level of any country increase, then exchange rate will be depreciate to return PPP then that country will experience inflation. ( cited on 27th May 2008) According to World Bank survey (9th April, 2008) on recently increasing the high prices of food will increase the poverty in poor and developing countries. The rise in oil prices changes the each commodity price and result into increase in poverty, the 80% increase in prices of maize and 70% increased in price of rice played main link to increase in poverty. (World Bank 2008) According to head of UN, About 850 million people are facing already the shortage of food and rapidly rising prices could push up to 130 millions population into hunger trap.( Metro 4th June ,2008) so when inflation will increase, it will increase the poverty in poor countries. In Real GDP, increase in price will account as inflation. Quality of Goods GDP is a quantitative measure, and thus does not capture the value of improvements in product quality e.g. $200 dollar phone costs the same as a $200 dollar phone 10 years ago ,it never include the new technology is introduces or quality of goods improved. Unemployment Rising GDP means we are better off, but it is not actually happening. According to recent report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) May, 2008, Turkish youth hit by unemployment. In Turkey 18% of the total population young people aged 15-24, 30% go to school and 30 % work. This means that almost 40% young people have no proper education and/or are unemployed. It also reveals the extreme of sexual discrimination against female. So they are not able to get education because of family pressure. The report says that turkey has achieved continuous high economic growth of the order of 7.5 percent on average during the 2002-2006 periods. That mean turkey has strong economic growth but weaker human development. Turkey economy boosts cause of foreign debts. Economic growth based on foreign capital means that country like Turkey lacks the potential to handle unemployment and other socioeconomic ills. ( cited 16th May 2008). COUNTRY Population Total (millions) 2005 2015 Unemployment Rate Total (% of Labour force) 1996-2005 AUSTRALIA UK CHINA INDIA TURKEY ZAMBIA 20.3 22.4 60.2 62.8 1313.00 – 1388.60 1134.40 1302.50 73 82.1 11.5 13.8 4.9 5 4.2 4.3 9.9 12 Literacy Education is necessary and fundamental part of all societies and globally competitive economies. Education can reduce the poverty and inequality, improving the health precaution, enable the use of new technologies and knowledge. In an increasingly competitive knowledge based surroundings, primary education must be the priority and it leads to higher levels of education ( cited by 24th May 2008) Sources: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), World Bank, UNAIDS, ILO, Household Surveys, IMF, Country. Data are for the most recent year available in 2000-2005. If in a country more people will be literate it will increase the living standard of people and awareness of their rights. Curren( 2003) explained ‘’Illiteracy and other deprivations related to lack of basic education are significant obstacles to essentials of good living such as participation in economic activity, political life and decision making within family’’. Education is important for all age group and gender but some countries gender discrimination is high and woman discourages and their potential is not counted because of discrimination, education expenses, and household duties. In some countries girls are behind the boys in education and health care because of their parent’s discriminations and neglect. So gender inequalities in woman start in early and keep throughout their lives. ( cited on 22nd May 2008). According to World Bank report says that more than 100 million primary school age children remain out of school. Because of poverty, parents concern of safety of their child, lack of school and bad teaching method. ( Country Adult Literacy Rate (% aged 15 and older) 1995- 2005 Combined gross enrolment ratio for Primary, secondary, and tertiary Education (%) 2005 Saudi Arabia China India Pakistan Turkey Nigeria U.A.E 82.9 90.9 61 49.9 87.4 69.1 88.7 76 69.1 63.8 40 68.5 56.2 59.9 Source: Human Development Report 2007/2008 ( Under Ground Economy GDP never count the greatest source of wealth i.e. the household and volunteer work sectors go ignore entirely. GDP is not considering the factor of total production that people hide to avoid taxes because the production and services they are producing are illegal and never comes in GDP. (Parkin el at 2005) The black economy never comes in revenue, i.e. production by labor paid less than minimum wage rate, Labor are paid by giving cash avoid Taxes, unreported self employee, the tips money earned by taxi/cab drivers, waiters in Hotel Restaurants, Smuggling of products e.g. oil, etc. these transactions never comes in the figures for GDP. An estimated 5 to 10% black economy adds to GDP in the United States and the UK and 30% in Italy. In the late 1990s, in Russia estimated 50% black economy adds to GDP(The economist 31st may 2008 ). A lot of Household production carry on in developing countries never comes in economic transactions e.g. grass cutting, child care, embroidery stitching of cloths done by female at home, growing vegetable at home, production of hand made goods etc According to the latest estimate by Economist’s the calculation of the underground economy is to average 15% of national output for developed countries and 33% for developing countries. According to the survey Nigeria and Thailand have the world largest black economies accounting for more than 70% of GDP. ( cited on 07th May, 2008). Changes in Leisure Time For the long life and leisure time as if we have more leisure facilities we live better, that never count in GDP. (Parkin el at 2005). GDP only takes the market value of output, therefore, Leisure (paid vacation, holidays, leave time), which shows increase of well-being, satisfaction, and happiness is excluded in the GDP. Different reports have been highlighted that there are longer working hours are in America with compared to Europe which can cause stress and damage family life. European’s have choice for shorter weeks and a longer holiday that will leads to better life and more happiness but not leads to higher GDP as compared to America. Income inequality The GDP only tells how much income we produce but it fails to tell how that income is distributed. So the GDP increases the gap between poor and rich people. The real GDP was the key indicator of measure of national progress. The growth in GDP is offset by increasing inequality, High level of foreign dept, growing costs of unemployment, environment problems, and failure to maintain wealth equality, i.e. in same economy might be one group is using all resources. (Mc Taggart et al 1999). The large portion of financial wealth real GDP per capita goes to small percentage of population. Income and earnings are unequally distributed among the population. Economic growth increasing also accompanied that increasing poverty. ‘If the income is uneven distributed, then increase in income per capita may disproportionately benefit a small group of high income earners and have little impact on reducing poverty. The gini coefficient is used to measure how evenly income is distributed.’ ( cited on 21st May ,2008 The Gini coefficient (An INEQUALITY indicator ) varies from zero, that shows the perfect equailty of income. Latin America is the worlds most unequal region, with a Gini coefficient of around 0.5; in rich countries the figure is closer to 0.3.(The economist 2008). inequalirty will incrase moverty and it will effect to slow down the economic growth cause poor people cannot afford to buy their needs e.g. education,foods etc . The chart below shows that income is more unevenly distributed in Zambia as compared to other countries .so GDP per capita income is fail to count that how income is distributed among the population. Data Source: cite on 21st May 2008 and World Bank development indicator 2007, Washington D.C. ( cited on 21st May 2008) Pollution Crime, war, pollution, tobacco smoking, and car accidents all cause people to spend money and so they all increase the GDP. The more trees we fell, fish we catch, fossil fuels we burn, greenhouse gases we emit, the more the GDP increases. ( Real GDP never count for the quality of life e.g. clean water, life expectancy, leisure time, and it never count for the increase in traffic congestion and loss of open space ( cited on 06th May, 2008) The causes to produce environment pollution are the carbon dioxide and Ozone depleting substance use. In china the emission of CO2 and ozone depleting substance use is greater than other developing countries. According to European space agency, Bijing and its surrounded cities have air pollution with the high level of nitrogen dioxide, which is dangerous for lungs. In 2005 when China was hosting for the Olympic Games in Beijing, satellite data has reveals that Beijing as air pollution capital of World. (The Guardian, Monday 31 October, 2005) In an overview of the report of WHO, the cigarette and tobacco product are polluting air as well and is the main cause of death. In 2003, 5 million people died most of in poor and over poor populations. ( cited 22nd May 2008). Data Source: Human development report 2007/2008 cited 5th May 2008) COUNTRY Ozone –depleting Substances use (grams per capita) (2004) CHINA INDIA PAKISTAN AUSTRALIA SINGAPORE IRAN MALAYSIA THAILAND JAPAN 27.1 9.3 10.2 9.5 50.5 89.9 59.2 39.7 15.3 Data Source: (Table: 29 United Nation, ‘Economic and Social survey of Asia and the pacific 2007’) and The World health Organization says that almost 3 million people are died worldwide because of air pollution out door and 1.6 from indoor 80% of illness and death in developing countries because of polluted water.2.1 people die with diarrhea disease. (BBC NEWS cited on 21/05/2008) The 2nd factor for the human being to live healthy in this world is clean water. In 2004 Romania faced big problem in clean drinking water. Many people became ill because of polluted water. According to WHO/UNICEF (joint monitoring program) in the Romania only 18% of population of the rural had access to clean drinking water ( cited on 22 May 2008). If we see real GDP of Romania in 2004, it comes in high human developed countries but real GDP fail to count the clean water source for the people. In 2004, In comparison with India and Pakistan, the %age of resources using improved drinking water in rural and urban shows that India is behind Pakistan, but if view the economic growth in real GDP shows that India is better than Pakistan. In 2005 in china water pollution increase and 2 million people suffered diseases caused by drinking water with high arsenic content and cancer. In the rural area 360 million peoples faced lack of safe drinking water. The pollution increased 70% in lake and river and sample test. but 95%of water tests were polluted. (BBC NEWS, cited by 23rd May 2008) COUNTRY Share of population with access to improve Water sources (%) (2004) Share of population with access to improve Sanitation (%) (2004) CHINA INDIA PAKISTAN NIGERIA ZAMBIA 77 86 91 48 58 44 33 59 44 55 Data Source: Table- 29 United Nation, ‘Economic and Social survey of Asia and the pacific 2007’ Life expectancy and infant birth morality Good health and long life is the hope of everyone which does not show up in real GDP, at least not directly. (Parkin et al 2000).Increase in Real GDP will spend money on the medical and health safety but it ignore new health and expectancy problem every years e.g diseases i.e. Aids, , drug addiction,, murder and suicide and natural disasters i.e. Earthquake etc. In developing countries, in each year More than 500,000 women die in childbirth. In Asia and Africa, lack of access to trained health staff, modern medical facilities the ratio of maternal death may be more than 100 times higher as compared to woman in Western Europe and North America. (www. cited 22nd May 2008.) According to (WHO) report that in Japan life expectancy is higher. For example a baby born can expect to live 85 years having sufficient needs of life to live happy life e.g. food, vaccination and good education. On average enough funds to spend on medication per year. But in same way its not same situation in Sierra Leone a baby will survive a life expectancy of just 36 years. Due to the non availability of resources one or more of children would die and on average could have enough funds a year to spend on medication. ( cited on 21st May 2008) According to WHO report (2005), In Nigeria the maternal death rate is 59,000 with the population of 140 Millions. African continent countries are having high maternal death in the world. As compared to India, the maternal death is 117,000 with the population of over billion. According to official US report (2007) says that America has dropped from 11th to 42nd place in 20 years being a richest country in the world. The drop is due to more advance way of lifestyle, health care, and better food in the world i.e. Europe, Japan, Singapore and Jordon whose life expectancy is longer. In US the infant morality 6.8 deaths every 1000 births is also high. The worst life expectancy is figured in Africa that is 34.1 years. (The Guardian, 13th August, 2007) Country Infant mortality rate( per 1000 live births) (2005) Life expectancy at birth (Years) 2005 Male Life expectancy at birth (Years) 2005 Female Australia UK China India Nigeria Sierra Leone 5 5 23 56 100 165 78.5 76.7 71 62.3 46 40.2 83.3 81.2 74.3 65.3 47.1 43.4 ( cited on 21st May 2008) (United Nation, ‘Economic and Social survey of Asia and the pacific 2007’) In UK, Life expectancy at age 65 reached its highest level for both men and women. Men and women could expect live more 16.9 years and 19.7 years respectively. If mortality rates will be same is in 2004/06. Life expectancy at age 65, United Kingdom At birth Life expectancy has also its highest level for both males and females. Boys and girls born in the UK could expect on average to live to 76.9 years and 81.3 years of age respectively. cited 17th May 2008 Alternative Indicators The flaws in GDP as a measure of national well-being have generated worldwide moves to develop a better index. Most work is focused on developing the index of sustainable economics welfare (ISEW) also known as the Genuine Progress indicator (GPI).it has been constructed for different countries i.e. US, Germany, Britain, Sweden and Australia. In Australia calculation of GPI shows that GPI was generally less than GDP measure until 1976, it grew at nearly the same rate and from 1976 to 1996 the GPI did not increase.† (Hamilton C. 1997 cited by Mc Taggart et al 1999) In 1995, redefining progress, a non profit public policy organization, based in northern California, introduce a measure of progress that is Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). GPI basic start with the same accounting framework as the GDP, but then makes some distinctions with same indicators as GDP. GPI counts the beneficial progress as positive and destructive activates as negative. GPI add contribution of household activity volunteer work as hiring some one to do it. but real GDP ignore this contribution that money never change hands, GPI calculate income distribution as GPI will rise when poor receive large portion of income and go down if small portion of income received. GPI subtract these factors that are family break down crime and pollution. In real GDP family break down crime are expenses to addition in well being but GPI minus this cost comes from crime or divorce. Real GDP treats pollution as when it created and when it is clean up that is double gain. But GPI subtract the cost of water and air pollution as damage to human health and environment by increasing the nation wealth people should get the more leisure time and more free time for family or other activities. But the GDP ignores the loss of free time. The GPI goes up if leisure time increases. When people spend money to protect against misfortune or spend for improving their living standard i.e. accidents, drinking water filter, pollution control devices etc the GDP counts as additions but GPI treats these expenses as cost. cited on 28th May 2008) GDP provides a false sense of progress by comparing with GPI. The chart illutrstae that real (inflation adjusted) US per capita GDP and GPI growth between 1950 and 2004, the GPI figure significantly starggle GDP. It shows that when resource depletion, crime costs, and volounteer sector costs, etc., are accounted for, then the per capita net benefit of a rising GDP is fully invalid. ( cited 2en June 2008) In 1990s United Nations created the human development index (HDI). It Examine that how the people are well being. It shows three indicators that are life expectancy at birth, school and adult literacy and real GNP measure at Purchasing Power Parity in US dollars (The Ledger cited 27th May 2008). Human GDP per capita Development Index PPP US$ 0.70 2600 Tajikistan 0.67 2450 0.64 2300 0.61 2150 0.58 2000 Pakistan 0.55 1850 0.52 1700 0.49 1550 0.46 1400 0.43 1250 0.40 1100 Source: HDI and GDP refer to 2005 as reported in the 2007/2008 Report. ( cited on 13th May, 2008) In 2005, HDI highlights the very large gaps in well being and life chances for Pakistan. (Figure 1) It shows that the GDP per Capita was high but the HDI indicator was low showing that people are not well being. The HDI for Pakistan was 0.551 which gives the country 136th rank out of 177 countries. ( cited on 13th May, 2008) Conclusion The major disadvantage of Real GDP using as an indicator is a measure of living standard. Real GDP is the good measure on economic growth but it fails to measure that how the people are living and are they happy. It does not true impact that if a country is having high GDP and export 100 percent production will also have high living standard. In the view of replace real GDP with the GPI, as for as west concern it will be very hard for them to adopt this because their concern is to strong the economy and business interest. But economic growth does not bring the happiness. As for as economic growth and living standard of country concern, GPI is good indicator for measuring living standard, but social and non-market costs are included are at dispute. might be thease are the reason GPI has not achieved yet as common usage. Overall, however, the GPI aim is to measure the quality of economic welfare but GDP measure the quantity of economic growth. So GDP is failing to measure the living standard of people it should be replace by GPI. Reference ‘The Ledger’ : Federal Reserve of bank of Boston, (cited 06 May 2008) Parkin M, Powell M. Kent M., ‘Economics’ 6th edition, London: Addison Wesley Publishing, chapter 20 Parkin M, Powell M, Matthews K. (2000) ‘Economics 4th Edition’ Addison Wesley Publishing, p.543-547 McTaggart D., Findly C., Parkin M. (1999) ‘Economics’ 3rd edition, Australia: Pearson Education Limited Chap, 21, 22 32 United Nation, ‘Economic and Social survey of Asia and the pacific 2007’ NEW YORK 2007) ‘Economics’ ( cited on 07th May, 2008) ‘Pakistan data profile’ ‘India data profile’ cited on 13th May, 2008 MacAskill E. ‘US tumble down the world ratings list for life expectancy’ The Guardian,13th August, 2007) Curren R. 2003 ‘A companion to the philosophy of education’ blackwall publisher USA, page 457 Watts J. ‘Satellite data reveals Beijing as air pollution capital of world’ The Guardian newspaper, 31 October 2005 ‘Using national income data to measure poverty and living standard’ ( cited on 21st May, 2008 Ministry of education, Govt. of Pakistan cited 22nd may 2008) ‘Hunger Stalks world’s wealthiest country’, ( cited on 22nd May 2008) ‘Romania’s Polluted Water a Barrier to EU Member Status’ published on 20 July,2004 ( cited on 22 May 2008) World Socialist Website ( cited 22nd May 2008) ‘China Warns water pollution’, BBC NEWS, cited by 23rd May 2008) ‘Implication of Higher Global Food Prices for poverty in low-income countries’ published on April 2008 Policy Research Working paper 4594 cited on 23rd May 2008 ‘Nigeria, alarming Maternal Death Ratio’ posted 23 October 2007 cited on 23rd May 2008 Newspaper The Independent Dec 2002 Comparative Real GDP per capita and per employed person ‘ cited on 27th May 2008 ( The redefining Progress cited on 28th May 2008) World Social Website ( cited 22nd May 2008 Whats Wrong with the GDP as a Measure of Progress? ‘The Human Development index going beyond income’ cited 13th May 2008, US department of state ( Cited on 22nd May 2008) Mathiason N. ‘Globe- trotting fixer doing deals to help the hungry’ The Observer 18th May 2008 ‘130 Millions more Face falling into hunger trap’ Attewill F., Metro 4th June 2008 BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Friday, January 17, 2020

Laura Ashley and Federal Express Strategic Alliance Essay

Laura Ashley is a global clothing and furnishings retailer based in the United Kingdom. They have grown at a very fast rate from operating 231 retail stores in 1986 to 481 stores in 1990. Unfortunately, its profits were not increasing as expected due to the inefficiency of its logistics management. There was an over dependence on in-house manufacturing, SBUs operated as stand-alone businesses with independent inventory and systems which means duplicated systems that are not integrated, and dysfunctional distribution operations such as outdated inventory ordering methods and inefficient movement of goods along the supply chain. Based on these problems, Jim Maxmin decided to form an alliance with Federal Express BLS, to let them handle the logistics of LA’s business since that is what BLS does best, while at the same time also benefiting Federal Express. The contract between LA and BSI for the strategic alliance was not your typical contract with specific rules, price, penalties, etc. The alliance was a â€Å"win-win business partnership,† with no defined end point and lasting at least for 10 years. The contract had a very relatively loose structure, and it was based on trust and focuses on areas of mutual interest. There were no specifics on defining issues since it may conflict with the mutual interest that this alliance is based on. Both sides have agreed to be transparent and share information with each other, and have mechanisms built in to deal with matters that could not be agreed upon. When it comes to forming a strategic alliance, this kind of contract is good because it is based on a high level of trust and the focus of mutual interests, to help each other gain competitive advantage in the market. Trust is very important in every relationship, even in business. Also, having a loose structure makes more sense in a fast changing environment because specifics changes over time. In other words, the contract was very simple. And by having it to be open-ended, meaning there is no defined end to this partnership. Therefore, if this partnership is successful, they will be able to continue being an alliance and benefit from it. The only problem with this type of contract is that it will be more difficult to assess any  conflicts that may arise between the two companies in the future. From LA’s point of view, I believe this alliance will be very beneficial to them. Currently they are very inefficient with the distribution area of the business, which is costing them a lot more money. It will be difficult and will take a long time for LA to try and reengineer its processes and form a distribution system that will work. So instead of trying to invest all that time and money into reorganizing and developing a working system, forming an alliance with FedEx and having them take over that function will be better since FedEx is known for its logistics expertise. Also, they have one of the best tracking systems in place, and that can definitely benefit LA. By integrating LA’s current systems to FedEx’s systems, it will allow LA to access FedEx’s efficient tracking system, and eliminate the duplicate and independent systems that LA currently have with the SBUs, all in a much shorter time. With the new infrastructure, information is transparent an d flows throughout the supply chain, and everyone will be able to see it. Also, FedEx’s dependable delivery services will get goods to destinations quickly and efficiently, reducing lead time (products shipped anywhere in 24hrs-48hrs), transportation costs, and inventory costs. All this will improve LA’s customer service, better informed front-line employees due to the transparency, reduce costs, improve efficiency in its operations, rebuild its reputation and relationships with its customers, and be more competitive globally. The only downside of this for LA is that they will lose complete control of the distribution part of the business, but at the rate LA is growing with the increasing inefficiency that it’s facing, that is a small price to pay because LA’s current distribution operations needs help. As for FedEx BLS, I believe this alliance is beneficial overall, but it is much more risky for them than it is for LA. For FedEx, it allows them to expand and utilize its capabilities on a global basis. This type of alliance was one of the first, and if successful, FedEx BLS can set a new trend and have a tremendous future. It will improve its current performance in Europe and gain market share due to the increased reputation that this will bring. Also, this could mean alliances with other companies and industries in the  future. FedEx will be able to use the success with LA to form alliances with other companies, which will allow them to gain competitiveness and business. Even if other carriers try to do this in the future, it will be more difficult for those other carriers because businesses will know FedEx BLS are experienced and dependable, and will more likely go to them. But on the other hand, if this alliance was to fail, it would ruin FedEx’s reputation for reliability, which is the most important factor for FedEx in its industry. Also, it would cause FedEx to rethink the strategic-alliances idea, possibly damaging BLS’s potential future.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Impact of Eleanor Roosevelt - 2120 Words

The Impact of Eleanor Roosevelt as a First Lady Before Eleanor Roosevelt, the role of the first lady was not a political role; it was merely just a formal title of the presidents wife. Eleanor Roosevelt paved the way for all presidents wives to come by being active in politics during and after her husbands presidency. Of course, she did not have instant success; she had many trials which helped her become an important and influential role model. Eleanor Roosevelts dedication to her husband, her activeness in politics, and her volunteer work enabled her to change the role of the First Lady. Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884 to Elliot and Anna Hall Roosevelt. Her mother was very beautiful and thought of Eleanor as a†¦show more content†¦She inspected prisons, checked on the effects of the drought in the Midwest, and unemployment in West Virginia. Then she would come home and report everything to her husband that she observed. She also met with local people and talked about their jobs and lives. Through her, Franklin was one of the best-informed presidents about Americas social conditions (Morey, 49). During World War II, she visited the South Pacific war area and would have breakfast with the troops and visit the wounded in the hospital. She would send Franklin reports on changes that she thought should be made, and observations she had, like how the blacks and whites worked well together, which pleased her (Morey, 66). Eleanor was quickly changing the role of the first lady, even through her activeness in politics. She was a strong advocate for many groups such as women, children, minorities and the poor. As the First Lady, she was doing things that had never been done before, like holding her own press conferences. She also tried to help women get jobs by asking all women reporters to come to her press conferences. In doing this she hoped that editors would hire more women (Morey, 46-47). 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I read her text and saw a video on YouTube giving her speech even though it was long it gathered a lot my attention. It took me time to understand her speech after reading it three times. It’s good that someone like Eleanor Roosevelt existed and wanted to provide some peace to the world. I’m gladRead MoreEleanor Roosevelt : a Personal and Public Life Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesJ. William T. Youngs Eleanor Roosevelt: A Personal and Public Life Longman, New York 2000 This book is about a woman who forever changed the course of womens role in American history. Eleanor Roosevelt was an extremely important figure in the history of the United States, especially during the twentieth century. The way the author uses the book to help the reader to feel included in Eleanors life, makes the reader feel as if he knows Mrs. Roosevelt. 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Despite the family trying to make Eleanor feel at home, she continued to feel lonely and empty. It wasnt until she was sent to boardingRead MoreThe Great Contributions Of Mary Mcleod Bethune1477 Words   |  6 Pageswomen s rights and advocated for African Americans in a number of ways. According to the Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt Glossary (1875), â€Å"Mary McLeod Bethune was one of the most important African American women of the first half of the twentieth century† (paragraph 1). The Eleanor Roosevelt Glossary (1875) found â⠂¬Å"she was also known as one of the most powerful women† (paragraph 1). Also The Eleanor Roosevelt Glossary stated, â€Å"People knew her as the â€Å"First Lady of the Struggle† (1875), but they did not explain

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Beowulf Comparison to Modern Day Hero - 2195 Words

From Beowulf to Superman, Why we need our Heroes Heroes, from Beowulf to Superman our cultures have always created heroes. We may always have political, social, economic and religious differences, but at the end of the day we all have one thing in common, heroes. They help define who we are and what we want to be. They give us hope and inspire us to head in the right direction. They show us that good will always triumph over evil and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Heroes give us the inspiration we need to overcome problems in our own lives and that is why we create them. Beowulf perfectly embodies the idea of a hero. He defeats the evil Grendel and his mother, slays the dragon and saves his people. He is†¦show more content†¦These are three of the bible’s seven deadly sins that are ingrained in our society. Sins that our heroes are still fighting today. Popular heroes like Superman, Iron Man and Batman, all seemingly fight villains who represent some moral turpitude. However, what is really interesting about these heroes is how closely they resemble a character a thousand years older than them, Beowulf. If heroes are supposed to represent what we as people want to be morally, then it would make sense that they would also represent what we want to be physically. Look at how Beowulf is depicted physically. He is a strong, statuesque man who seemingly towers over his peers. At the time, that is most likely what every man wanted to be. Now look at our heroes today. For example, Batman, who is a tall, handsome, millionaire bachelor who drives nice cars and dates beautiful women. The same can be said for heroes like Superman, Iron-man, Captain America and most other well-known heroes, but in order to fight crime, the heroes do not need these things. This point speaks to the fact that not only do our heroes reassure our moral standings they also embody the physical epitome of what we wish to be. While the phy sical nature of our heroes excites us, it is their actions that we gravitate towards. The premise of the first section of Beowulf is the hero bringing order and stability to a chaotic Heorot. This is similar to our heroes today, where Superman and BatmanShow MoreRelatedEssay about Beowulf and Modern Day Hero670 Words   |  3 Pagesessay is the comparison between Beowulf and the modern day hero. All soldiers that are fighting for my country certainly comes to mind first, when I think about a modern day hero. Both hero’s are fighting for a good cause, get rewarded for what they do, and get treated with much respect. Although a soldier might not withhold unworldly strength as one such as Beowulf, they both are putting their life at stake, which gives them both the title as being a hero. Both the U.S soldier and Beowulf portray characteristicsRead MoreModern Hero vs. Anglo Saxon Hero Essay814 Words   |  4 PagesTodays modern day hero has similarities and differences than the Anglo-Saxon hero. The two heroes each have different values they believe in. Also, they are motivated to fight for different reasons. An Anglo-Saxon hero also fights differently than a modern day hero. An example of this comparison is Bono from the band U2 and Beowulf. Both modern day heroes, like Bono and Anglo-Saxon heroes, like Beowulf, try to improve their societies, but do it in different ways and for different reasons. Anglo-SaxonRead MoreThe Four Characters Of Beowulf And Modern Day Heros738 Words   |  3 Pagesheroesheros. Some heroes Heros take the direct approach and overcome obstacles with raw power and strength, both physical and moral. Others use their intelligence along with trickery and ruthlessness. It is hard for a hero to take a more direct approach than Beowulf. For example, he rips Grendel’s arm right out of its socket! He also shows moral strength by being champion of the values of his society. There are also some other things that can differentiate two types heros. The first the type thatRead MoreEssay on Comparison of Modern Day Heroes and Beowulf744 Words   |  3 PagesComparison of Modern Day Heroes and Beowulf Most of us have heard of modern day heroes such as Spiderman, Superman, and the Hulk. Each is a hero to many children. Heroes are introduced to people early on in life usually as fictional characters, but as children grow older their perceptions of heroes alter. The characteristics of a hero are usually based around the ideas of a society or culture. In the epic Beowulf, the main character is thought of as a hero. Beowulf, a pagan warrior and the mainRead MoreHeroism : Beowulf And Cuchallain928 Words   |  4 Pagesdisagree on who might qualify to be a hero. While a few people could qualify to be called a hero, many people have done some heroic things at some point in their life; Beowulf and Cuchallain demonstrated heroism through their actions. A hero in the medieval times is considered to be someone that is a noble character that fights for his honor or the honor of his kingdom or community and also someone that is willing to risk his or her life for the greater good. Beowulf was a brave man that volunteered toRead MoreBeowulf : A Modern Epic Hero1595 Words   |  7 Pages When someone typically hears something regarding a superhero it’s the fact that they are saving the day. What comes to my mind is a tall, muscled, and good-looking man. The abilities epic heroes hold are without a doubt unspeakable. In common heroes today, they hold the ability to be strong, courageous, and have superhuman features. For example, the Anglo-Saxon heroes were always prepared to put their own lives in jeopardy for the greater good. Heroes always have target goals they must achieveRead MoreCritique Analysis Of Beowulf753 Words   |  4 PagesCritique Paper – Beowulf In the epic Beowulf, the main character Beowulf possesses all the qualities of a hero during the Anglo Saxon Era. He demonstrates his courage, loyalty, wisdom, and strength but are these qualities enough to consider him a hero by the standards of today? Beowulf has qualities that strong heroes have but didnt struggle to get them because he was born with it. He has many adventures, like fighting Grendel and other monstrous creatures but was very sure of himself. He wasRead MoreBeowulf vs. Gilgamesh1212 Words   |  5 PagesBeowulf Vs. Gilgamesh The two cultures I chose to compare heroic values for are the ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Anglo-Saxon cultures. The texts I used in the comparison are Gilgamesh for Mesopotamia and Beowulf for Anglo-Saxon. Although they posses many similar heroic characteristics they also differ greatly. Beowulf is the earliest surviving epic poem written in a modern European language. It was written in Old English sometime before the tenth century A.D. The poem describes the adventuresRead MoreSimilarities Between Beowulf And Spiderman Bear1397 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Heros are made by the path they choose not the powers they are graced with† (Ashton, Brodi). Spiderman was not a hero because he had powers like a spider, but that he used those powers to help others. Beowulf was described as a strong person known by many who defeated many conflicts. Although he had this strength is didn’t necessarily make him a hero. What made him a hero was when he helped others with their problems, like the Danes with Grendel. Although Beowulf and Spiderman bear some minor similaritiesRead MoreAnalysis Of Beowulf And Modern Days 918 Words   |  4 PagesDaryn Viser Women’s Roles in Beowulf and Modern Days There exists between the Anglo-Saxons and modern days a stereotype about women and their lack of being treated as equals in comparison to men. It is assumed that while the male characters were out battling monsters in return for honor and glory, the women lay at home anxiously pacing back and forth for their husbands to return. Little worth was assumed about them in accordance to man. While nowadays, no one blinks twice when a woman is offered